Monday, January 13, 2014

A Letter to Myself on my Wedding Day

With the holidays to our past and Valentine's Day right around the corner, 
'tis the season for engagements, and rightfully so!
There is something so romantic about the holidays.
All the holiday lights, being close to friends and family, 
the excitement of a new year, and the hope that your significant other is "popping the question". 

With all those engagements, we come to a season of weddings.
 I know at least nine people who are getting married in this calendar year alone... nine!
I love weddings...they are just so joyful, have so much love and excitement.

Everything about a wedding is so exciting..
That anticipation on the grooms face as he waits to see his new bride. 
The nerves of the bride as she pins her veil on and smiles at her father before he gives her away.
The "I Do's" and "first kiss"
  (I'm a hopeless romantic, can you tell?)

So with all these weddings in the near future,
It made me feel that I should take a moment to sit and reflect on my own wedding.

Would I have changed anything?
Was it worth all the worry and sleepless nights?

So now I sit before you almost four years after my own engagement,
and I have to wonder if I wrote a letter to my newly engaged self,
what would I say?

*cough cough* So brides-to-be listen up, 
this is my heart-felt advice to you

A Letter to Myself on My Wedding Day

Dear Beautiful Bride, 

As you are about to embark on what you believe to be 
the most important day of your life,
 I want you to know that it's ok to breathe and I promise that everything will be alright.

Don't worry about how you will look in pictures.
...Your husband still thinks you look beautiful.

Don't worry if the church isn't decorated perfectly.
... You ended up only focusing on your groom.

Don't worry about finding those perfect shoes for under the dress.
... You kicked them off as soon as you got to the reception.

Don't worry about the rain in the weather forecast.
... The sun was shining for pictures and your young hopeless romantic guests had fun 
dancing in the rain.

Don't worry about if the favors are placed perfectly on the table.
....I promise they were happily eaten.

The seating arrangement that you lost many nights sleep over.
.... Your guests will comment for years how much fun they had.

Don't worry about creating the "perfect" play list for the DJ.
...Everyone danced the night away.

This day in your life is important. 
It's magical.
It's filled with love. 
But my dear bride,
 I promise this isn't the most important day of your life. 
Back then, I thought it was and I know you are feel it now.
Leave your worries at the door
and enjoy your day.

Just remember that the "most important" day of your life
is yet to come..

...Its creating your first home together,
and sharing laughs while painting the bathroom.

...It's burning that dinner,
that you tried so hard to impress him with.

..It's sitting on the toilet,
seeing the little stick turn pink.

... It's holding your child for the first time, 
and realizing that nothing else now matters.

... Its the first night home as a new family,
and your husband asks you to dance right there in the middle of the living room.

...It's being so angry with your spouse,
that you can't help but laugh at each other
because you can't remember why you were fighting in the first place.

..It's the "I love you's" 
and watching your family grow.

So my dear bride...

Enjoy your day and have it be worry free.
Don't stress out about the small things, family or friends...
 This day is for YOU..
It's a START of a beautiful journey,
and remember no matter what goes wrong...

... the "Best Day of your Life"...
... is yet to come...

Attention my married Dames!

What advice would you give, if you could write a letter to yourself
on your wedding day?


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